
Showing posts from August, 2012

Cumberland Youth Mountain Biking Program Fall 2012

September 1st kicks off the Cumberland Youth Mountain Biking program in Cumberland, RI! Instructor Chris Nichols will teach beginner riders how to ride a trail bike with gears, trail riding skills such as proper braking, cornering and descending as well climbing and maneuvering over and around trail obstacles. Bike maintenance, trail stewardship and proper bike and helmet fit will be covered as well. Classes are $50 dollars for five classes and payment can be made to the Cumberland Parks and Rec office at 1495 Diamond Hill Rd Cumberland,or at the start of classes. *Bike rentals should be made in advance by emailing  Riders should know how to ride a bike and be between the ages of 7 and 14 years old. Helmets and bikes are required!  Some bikes and helmets are available for rent at an additional one time charge of $15. The start date is Sept 1st at 11:30 am and classes will run through Oct 6th with no class on Sept 29th . Program Dates...